vb. (en-third-person singularturn out)
Usage examples of "turns out".
As it turns out, the observations of binary pulsars give a precise verification of the predictions of General Relativity, and for this Taylor and Hulse were co-recipients of the 1993 Nobel Prize in Physics.
In 1978, Pluto's satellite, Charon, was discovered, and it turns out that Charon is about one tenth the mass of Pluto.
Joe finds his road no easy one to travel, and he has to face not a few hardships, but in the end all turns out well.
However, when the story continues, it turns out that Amber itself is not an ultimate reality, but shares a Ying-Yang relationship with the forces of Chaos.
His passenger turns out to be Maurice Lenden, an old war-time comrade, who has just crash-landed a high-speed French bomber .
Not such an easy job, it turns out, since DeChooch has learned a lot of tricks over the years and isn't afraid to use his gun.
A lot of the documents weren't around then, but his picture turns out to be quite accurate.
It turns out that most physical effects will lead to linear transforms.
For a time I think that I have seen something but, as always, it turns out that I have not.
Matter in motion, which used to seem so unquestionable, turns out to be a concept quite inadequate for the needs of physics.
A lot of the so-called information I receive turns out to be someone’.
The search turns out to be a race among Stephanie's posse, the True Blue Bonds' agent, a Rangerette known as Jeanne Ellen Burrows, and the Abruzzi crew.
Your wicked project upon her peace turns out a clever thought indeed.
Thus, Anderson's unusual form, which at times may seem merely quirky, turns out to be the only one exactly suited to his theme.
In which the curse of the Von Krumpelsteins is accidentally unleashed by Ramjet Singh and turns out to be a blessing in disguise as Aunt Martha.