vb. (en-third-person singularturn around)
Usage examples of "turns around".
Then Billie turns around, and probably because she saw me first, I hop on her.
Here we have someone who wrecks industries and throws millions out of work, then turns around and offers those same millions the food to live on - offers it without the red tape and the investigations and all the quibbling that always heretofore has characterized relief.
Charles Gregory Doblin scoots back his chair, stands up and turns around, and lets the state troopers attach manacles to his wrists and ankles.
The next day you see him and run up, but when he turns around, it’.
The upper world beyond the dome of the sky turns around the summit of a mountain.
Kimy turns around, brusque and grumpy, and turns on the tap, adjusts the temperature, places the plug in the drain.
As Honey screams and Nick moves to stop him, Martha turns around and George pulls the trigger!
With the tip of one patent-leather shoe -- soon Brauxel will have no need to speak of patent leather -- he draws a circle through the dry, only superficially crusted dust, circumscribing all the fallen members, moves back, lets the cone of electric light follow the line, screws up his eyes as he always does when he sees something likely to serve as a model, tilts his head, waggles his tongue, covers one eye, turns around, looks behind him over his shoulder, conjures up a pocket mirror from somewhere, juggles with light, skeleton, and mirror image, directs the flashlight behind him under a sharply bent arm, tips the mirror slightly, stands briefly on tiptoes in order to lengthen the radius, then squats by way of comparison, stands again facing his model without mirror, corrects the line here and there, exaggerates the fallen man's pose with sketching shoe, still with his shoe erases and draws new lines to undo the exaggeration, harmonizes .
The brainworm translates the code to a prickling between her shoulder blades, itchy, uncomfortable, but she takes her time anyway, framing her own message, before she turns around.
She doesn't move for a moment, then she turns around and I think she's going to brain me on the spot.
Stops the Cat, and locks the brakes, and turns around in his battered seat, watching the farmer marching toward him.