A turning movement is a military tactic in which an attacker's forces reach the rear of a defender's forces, separating the defenders from their principal defensive positions and threatening to place them in a pocket. The defenders must then abandon these positions.
Usage examples of "turning movement".
As I was facing the front of the Hellhole, I immediately pushed off and dropped down, arriving on my feet behind it, my turning movement raising its hands to shoulder height.
The soldiers' leader stopped, making a startled, turning movement.
This was followed, an instant later, by the noise: like that made by a vast, well-drilled army performing a turning movement, it resembled the oiled rattle of a hundred thousand shields, spears, and swordbelts.
At first the rolling produced a more rapid turning movement, and then she seemed again to hang though only for a short time.
They had to charge against him the lives of certain officers that he had deliberately taken with his own hands, and one entire section of trench that had made possible a disastrous turning movement by the British.
He suggested that he leave his commander with only a small force to make a noisy demonstration in the Northern front, while Jackson was executing his great turning movement.
He did not know that Sherburne and the fastest of the rough riders were now far in front, seizing every Union scout or sentinel, and enabling Jackson's army to march on its great turning movement wholly unknown to any officer or soldier of the North.
Six, for all its lesser size, was now obviously the more clumsy of the two machines, as it overshot its charge and on its hidden rollers began an almost ponderous turning movement.