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turning around

vb. (present participle of turn around English)

Usage examples of "turning around".

And, as if shed been expecting this all along, Lucy started to kiss him, but then she suddenly pulled back, and glanced anxiously over at Dan, who was climbing some invisible stairs in his Virtual Reality and then turning around and handling invisible objects and letting out delighted yelps.

When the pup landed, he leapt to his feet with a yip of pain and saw Brillo turning around for another pass.

Instead of turning around and heading south, I drove farther north till I found it.

She stuck out her hand and picked up a bottle, handing it to the girl without turning around.

And found it rather charming that, after more than sixty years of a life filled with struggle and travails and schemes, not turning around to meet that gaze was the hardest thing he'd ever done.