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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Turndown \Turn"down`\, a.

  1. Capable of being turned down; specif. (Elec.), designating, or pertaining to, an incandescent lamp with a small additional filament which can be made incandescent when only a small amount of light is required.

  2. Made to wear with the upper part turned down; as, a turndown collar.


Turndown \Turn"down`\, n.

  1. an act of refusing or of being refused; as, to get a turndown in an application for a job, a grant, etc.

  2. a decline in activity, especially business; as, they expect a turndown in housing construction in the fall.


a. 1 Capable of being turned down, or decreased in intensity. 2 Made to wear with the upper part turned down. n. A downturn.


n. the act of refusing an offer; "the turndown was polite but very firm" [syn: nonacceptance]

Usage examples of "turndown".

He always dressed elegantly but conservatively: he would never wear one of the fashionable new turndown collars, or carry a monocle like a dandy.

It was easier for guys like Maloney to blame the turndown on the woman rather than admit to any shortcomings.

Whatever financial decisions were made as a result of the PUC turndown, they would inevitably be harsh and Sharlett Underhill would have to implement them.

She drove on downtown, being extra careful because she felt like doing harm to somebody, found a liquor store with a big Checks Cashed sign, got the same turndown inside.

She had a perfect view of his thick red neck in its turndown collar, crossed by a black bow over a shiny white shirt.

That kind of turndown had been experienced by others in the pharmaceutical business.

Also, there is none of the horror of the possible turndown which shrivels the guts of timid men.

Freddy, nobody knew about that turndown except the real estate guy and me.

Dylan tried to keep it breezy, an incidental turndown that could have gone either way.

She was silent while he donned the other boot and folded the turndowns below his knees, not speaking until he had done up the laces of his shirt and was stuffing it into his breeches.

Gary had taken her turndowns with an easy grace that irritated her, yet he could still take an interest in her work.

Jim, who had experienced turndowns from experts in the academic field-and they were no slouches at that in the academic field-felt one coming now.