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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Turmoil \Tur*moil"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Turmoiled; p. pr. & vb. n. Turmoiling.] To harass with commotion; to disquiet; to worry. [Obs.]

It is her fatal misfortune . . . to be miserably tossed and turmoiled with these storms of affliction.


vb. (present participle of turmoil English)

Usage examples of "turmoiling".

As the men trooped heavily back into the front room, the two little windows presented views of a turmoiling sea of snow.

I see you through the fire, I think, cold and white and in a still point poised, untouched between those warring tides, at full mast floating in that swift, turmoiling mix, flying in the wind's swift gust, and all downfalls at once saluting.