The Turkmens, Torkomans, Turkmun, Turkmeni or Turkmany(mainly used to refer to the language) people belong to the Oghuz branch of Turks. Apart from living in Turkmenistan, Turkmen also live in Afghanistan and Iran. But the Turkmens of Northern Afghanistan such as Jowzjan Province and the Turkmens of Turkman Valley which is located in the Parwan Province have been separated for centuries due to war which had caused the Turkmens of Dare Turkmun to come into contact with other ethnic groups such as the Hazaras and Tajiks and adopt their customs and language. This had assimilated the Turkmens of Dare Turkmun with the local Hazara tribe. But the Turkmani people of Dare Turkmun consider themselves as both Turks and also Hazaras. This is why many Turkmani people have more of a Caucasoid admixture which sets them apart from other Hazaras, therefore making them more visually recognizable.
Turkmeni people of Dare Turkmun are the descendants of Turkmens from Charjew or what is now known as Turkmenabat. The Turkmens of Dare Turkmen share their history with the Turkmens of now Modern Turkmenistan, But their history of when they had moved down into Afghanistan had been passed down to them orally. The Turkmens of Dare Turkmun say that they had migrated down the amudarya into today's Jowzjan Province in Afghanistan settling in Qaraqin but was then forced to migrated again further down deep into Afghanistan towards Kabul from the invading Russian armies, the Turkmens of Dare Turkmun was led by their tribe leader who is now called Baba(Turkmeni word for Grandfather) Torkman. The Turkmany people settled in (Dare Turkman)Turkman Valley some three to four centuries ago.
Turkmens of Dare Turkmun have their own dialect of the Persian Dari language known as Turkmany it is also different compared to the Hazaras as they have some Turkmen words mixed with their Farsi Dari and the Turkman grammar influences the Dari making Turkmany detectable when spoken to a Farsi Dari speaker and Hazaragi speaker. In a 1983 report which mentions Turkmany as one of the languages in which programmes were broadcast in Afghanistan.