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Tuo is a Chinese given name. Notable people with the name include:

  • Deng Tuo (1912-1966), Chinese poet, intellectual and journalist
  • Hua Tuo (died 208), Chinese physician
  • Zhao Tuo (circa 230-137 BC), Han Chinese commanding general of the Qin Dynasty

Usage examples of "tuo".

Il tuo popolo come il resto dei popoli della penisola, passato sotto le verghe dello straniero, ha perduto la gloriosa impronta di grandezza che lo distingueva ai tempi di Venier e di Dandolo.

In the reversed semicircle before her is another monogram, Uota or Tuota, a name which perhaps may be translated Uta, Utta, Ida, etc.

Eia ergo, advocato nostra, ilka tuos misericordes oculos ad nos convene.