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Tulchyn (, translit. Tul’chyn, old name Nesterwar (from Hungarian Nester - Dniester and war -town), Latin Tulcinum, , , ) is a town in Vinnytsia Oblast ( province) of western Ukraine, former Podolia. It is the administrative center of Tulchyn Raion ( district), and was the chief centre of the Southern Society of the Decembrists, Pavel Pestel was located there during planning of the rebellion. The city is also known for being the home to Ukrainian composer Mykola Leontovych who produced several of this choral masterpieces (including world famous " Carol of the bells") when he lived here. An important landmark of the city is the palace of the Potocki family, built according to the principles of Palladian architecture according to the plans drafted by Joseph Lacroix during the 1780s. Polish patriot Józef Wysocki (general) was born in Tulchin in 1809, author of Pamietnik Jenerala Wysockiego, Dowodcy Legionu Polskiego Na Wegrzech Z Czasu Kampanii Wegierskiej W Roku 1848 i 1849. Population: