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Tube worm

A tube worm is any worm-like sessile invertebrate that anchors its tail to an underwater surface and secretes around its body a mineral tube, into which it can withdraw its entire body.

Tube worms are found among the following taxa:

  • Annelida, the phylum containing segmented worms
    • Polychaetea, the class containing bristle worms
      • Canalipalpata, the order containing bristle-footed annelids or fan-head worms
        • Siboglinidae, the family of beard worms
          • Riftia pachyptila, a species known as giant tube worms
          • Lamellibrachia, a genus
        • Serpulidae, a family
        • Sabellidae, the family containing feather duster worms
  • Phoronida, the phylum containing horseshoe worms
  • Microconchida, an order of extinct tubeworms
  • Kuphus polythalamia, a bivalve mollusc species whose common name is giant tube worm

Category:Sabellida Category:Phoronids Category:Serpulidae Category:Body plans

Usage examples of "tube worm".

Just when she thought she would never find the little one, she saw it, its back closer to the reef than she had thought, trapped in the waving tentacles of a giant tube worm.

A tube worm shot from its armored housing near the shore and snatched the leech while it was still in the air.

A new immigrant from Abkhazia trying to operate a microwave was like a deep-sea tube worm doing brain surgery.