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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Truthful \Truth"ful\, a. Full of truth; veracious; reliable. -- Truth"ful*ly, adv. -- Truth"ful*ness, n.


n. The quality of being truthful


n. the quality of being truthful [ant: untruthfulness]


Truthfulness may refer to:

  • Honesty - a moral character of a human being, related to telling the truth
  • Accuracy - the propensity of information to be correct
  • Strategyproofness - a property of a mechanism in game-theory, related to encouraging the participants to act according to their true preferences.

See also:

  • Truth - a concept most often used to mean in accord with fact or reality.
  • Truthiness - a quality characterizing a "truth" that a person making an argument or assertion claims to know intuitively.
  • Truthlikeness - a philosophical concept that distinguishes between the relative and apparent truth and falsity of assertions and hypotheses.

Usage examples of "truthfulness".

This coefficient of resemblance between husband and wife in regard to phthisis is about the same as the correlation of resemblance between husband and wife for eye color, stature, longevity, general health, truthfulness, tone of voice, and many other characters.

During all this time people have been discussing the authenticity and the truthfulness of the Memoirs, they have been searching for information about Casanova in various directions, and yet hardly any one has ever taken the trouble, or obtained the permission, to make a careful examination in precisely the one place where information was most likely to be found.

Stephen, speaking to a grey-haired seaman from Shelmerston, a shipmate on former voyages and a member of the Sethian community, renowned for truthfulness.

By making the fair Esther the depositary of my two thousand pounds, I was sure of winning her affection by an appeal, not to her interest, but to her truthfulness.

Behavioral scientists have speculated that many officeholders suffer from a cerebral condition known as Milhous Syndromea disorder causing the part of the brain that controls modesty, truthfulness and frugality to shrink to the size of a subway token.

Barony of Angels, the Long Beach crew had a regular library of scriptures on which the people with whom they dealt could swear truthfulness: everything from the Analects to the Zend-Avesta.

They had a queer sort of markings on them, the like of which I had never seen, chalked stripes running along their crooked limbs as if they were, in their stark truthfulness, emphasizing the stiff and brittle bones underneath the skin.

It was strange and sad, but no more strange and sad than all human destiny: this disciplined artist, who derived his power to work from the deepest truthfulness and from clear uncompromising concentration, this same man in whose studio there was no place for whim or uncertainty, had been a dilettante in his life, a failure in his search for happiness, and he, who never sent a bungled drawing or painting out into the world, suffered deeply under the dark weight of innumerable bungled days and years, bungled attempts at love and life.

And when something that necessarily did not admit of proof-such as religious doctrine, or political theory-was being expounded, the speaker's truthfulness in one sphere was often taken as a measure of his honesty in another.

These approaches therefore attempt to demonstrate, in objectivistic and naturalistic terms (in it-terms of interrelated processes), that we are primarily strands or parts in the wonderful web of lifeand my point is that, even if that were propositionally true, that paradigm still reduces the interior dimensions of truthfulness and mutual understanding to merely exterior functional fit, and thus these approaches do precisely nothing to further the understanding of how we can mutually come to agree on the courses of action necessary for biospheric sanity in the first place.

We prefer neither to judge nor to convert, but rather to tell the history of our venerated Master's last days with the greatest possible truthfulness.