thumb|right|240px|Oblique Lunar Orbiter 2 image with Trumpler below center and Nušl above center Trumpler is a lunar crater on the far side of the Moon, named after Robert Julius Trumpler. It lies just to the south of the crater Nušl, and northwest of Freundlich. To the southwest is the heavily battered crater Tikhomirov.
This is an old, eroded crater with an outer rim that has been damaged in places by subsequent impacts, especially along the southwestern section. The rim edge has been worn to the point where it is now poorly defined, and forms an uneven ridge in the surface. A short chain of small craterlets extends from near the crater midpoint to just outside the eastern rim. The southern interior floor is generally less impacted in the northern half.
Trumpler Crater is a crater in the Phaethontis quadrangle of Mars, located at 61.8°S latitude and 150.8°W longitude. It is78.0 km in diameter and was named after Robert Julius Trumpler, and the name was approved in 1973. The first image below shows the relationship among three craters that are near each other. Keeler Crater is to the North of Trumpler Crater. After Keeler was formed, a later impact formed Trumpler Crater, and in the process destroyed part of Keeler.
Wikikeelertrumplerwright.png|MOLA image showing the relationship among Wright, Keeler, and Trumpler Craters. Colors indicate elevations. Wikitrumpler.jpg|Trumpler Crater, as seen by CTX camera (on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter). Dark band near the top is defrosting dunes. Wikitrumplerdunes.jpg|Enlargement of dunes along northern wall (near top of image) of Trumpler Crater, as seen by CTX camera (on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter). In this image the dunes are not defrosting, as in another image. Dark lines at the top are dust devil tracks on the floor of keeler Crater. Note: this is an enlargement of the next image of Keeler Crater. Wikikeeler.jpg|Keeler Crater, as seen by CTX camera (on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter).