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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Truculently \Tru"cu*lent*ly\, adv. In a truculent manner.


adv. With aggression; savagely.

  1. adv. in an aggressively truculent manner; "they strive for security by truculently asserting their own interests"

  2. in a defiantly truculent manner; "the boy looked up truculently at his teacher"

Usage examples of "truculently".

In a moment he became businesslike, staring truculently at the clock ticking loudly like a reminder on his desk.

Tomizo set about cooking, feeding his charges truculently as though they were paupers who had been forced on him.

Well, that was nice, it would be good to see the old villain who had served him so faithfully if so truculently for so long.

His square jaw grew truculently prominent, and he leapt stormily to his feet, shaking his clenched fists towards the window.

Marge, her hair in a bag of curlers, stood truculently in a ponderous dressing gown.

Norweigan kippers, Oxford marmalade, coffee and Jack Daniels, which he now placed truculently in front of Vickers.

The boy stared back truculently, banging the mug so that liquefied crisps splashed on Amy's knee, then it turned its gaze to Don.

Rather truculently, I agreed to sit on the upholstered stool in front of her vanity while she went to work cleaning the wound first with soap and water, then an anti-bacterial spray.