n. (truck garden English)
Usage examples of "truck gardens".
We grew as much of our own food as we could in truck gardens around the tents, using complete soils trucked in, but our 'money crop', our contribution to the Jones economy, was to be almonds and wine grapes, both proven growers on this flank of the apron.
A raid on the truck gardens was seriously proposed, and bitterly debated, and might have been carried out, if the train had not hooted at last for departure.
The other was one of the familiar government-owned sprayplanes that worked at low altitudes over croplands, truck gardens, and commercial orchards, delivering a heavy mist of the deadly Tri-D solution, the pesticide that had revolutionized agriculture, eliminated the bee from nature, and given us fruits and vegetables of undreamed-of perfection but very high toxicity.
Inland from the docks was a checkerboard of tree-lined streets and squares with small green parks, shading out quickly into truck gardens and farms and round huts.
There were a half dozen low bungalow-style adobe buildings with wood-pillared porches, a barn, footpaths, a wooden water race turning a couple of small watermills, corrals and truck gardens….
The platoon advanced through truck gardens and freshly plowed fields toward the houses on the edge of the city.
He stole from the truck gardens when he could, until Destiny food and no speckles turned him into a skeletal zombie, and then they flushed him out.
One square would waft afar the perfume of flowers brought from the nursery gardens of Margit's Island upstream, and another the fresh aroma of vegetables from the truck gardens of the Csepet Island downstream, and another the less appealing odor of fish hooked and netted from the stream itself.
I would look at them and their unbelievable plumage and their beautiful eyes and see the shining, fat, new-caught fish and the beautiful vegetables all manured in the truck gardens by human excrement, they called it ‘.
His Museum Fremen tended date palms, tall grasses and even truck gardens there.