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n. The game of lawn billiards.


Trucco (also called trucks, troco or lawn billiards) is an Italian and later English lawn game played with heavy balls, large-headed cues called tacks, rings (the argolis or port), and sometimes an upright pin (the sprigg or king). The game was popular from at least the 17th century to the early 20th century. It was a forerunner of croquet, and itself probably evolved from ground billiards, which predates trucco, but uses very similar equipment.

The editor's preface of Enquire Within Upon Everything, a "vast congregation of useful hints and receipts" published in the Victorian era, describes the game thus:

The oldest name in English seems to be "trucks" or "truck" from the Italian trucco and Spanish troco, meaning "billiard". Trucco was popular as a country house pastime in the 19th century. Under the name "lawn billiards", it appears as an alternative to croquet in a number of books of games and pastimes of the period. Trucco was also played at pubs with large lawns, but apparently died out by the time of World War II.

Usage examples of "trucco".

Non por­tava una sola traccia di trucco, aumentando così l'impressione di una donna in bilico sul ciglio dell'abisso.

Ogni elemento era importante: la sua dolcezza, il trucco decaden­te che usava, il cavallo da giostra, il suo corpo di donna, perfino le piccole guance che, quando sorrideva, diventava­no carnose in un certo modo.

Ma lo smalto delle unghie, le tinte del trucco e l'abito da cocktail la rendevano, in realtà, una bambina porno.