Crossword clues for trows
n. (plural of trow English)
Usage examples of "trows".
If ye meet their gaze, they get power over ye, but with some of them, like trows, as long as ye keep looking at them without meeting their eyes they cannot vanish.
From tales told in the Tower, Imrhien knew a little about trows and henkies.
Were it some spell of the trows or some memory rekindled, suddenly dancing seemed easy.
Imrhien stood aside with Thorn to see what sort of choreography the trows were practicing this time.
Like all wights, trows may break their code, but they are unable to disbelieve or challenge it.
Ain't never been that far afield, but there's lots of trows 'ereabouts, ain't there, Da'?
The trows 'ave it that every hearth shall be swept clean on a sevennight, that no one shall be found near it, and above all that plenty o' clean water shall be found in 'ouse.
All these things were neglected—I was bedded down near fireplace, 'avin' given me bed away, and when the trows came they were mighty enraged and made such a noise that I awoke.
The trows poured some o' swatts in a basin and washed their baby in it, and then baby's clothes, and then poured the mess back into keg, sayin', 'Tak' ye dat for no haein' clean water ae da hoose.
O' course I blinked and screamed, and the trows, takin' advantage of the moment when me eyes were closed, fled.
She died that same day, so 'tis clear the trows took the real one and 'twas but a Seeming that was left to die.
When I was returning across the hills in the darkness and had got down close to the outer gate, I met a gang of trows carrying a bundle between them.
Soon after, we bought some potent charms from a wizard in Isenhammer, and the trows have never been back in this house since, of which I am glad.
It had been Angavar-Thorn who summoned the Vector-dispersing winds in Mirrinor, who had healed Diarmid's hurts in Rosedale, who had inspired open admiration in the habitually shy trows dancing under the moon near Emmyn Vale.
Some dismal trows followed her for a time, then trailed off into subterranean ways.