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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Trousering \Trou"ser*ing\, n. Cloth or material for making trousers.


n. (context dated English) fabric for making trousers vb. (present participle of trouser English)


n. any fabric used to make trousers [syn: panting]

Usage examples of "trousering".

Nothing to do with intimate trousering, young sir, so do not giggle in that unfortunate way.

In the cool twilight of the merry old summer evening I, friend of my youth and companion of my riper years, shall be trousering yours.

If you were, you will recall that anybody with any pretensions to being the life and soul of the party was accustomed to attend binges at the Casino in the ordinary evening-wear trouserings topped to the north by a white mess-jacket with brass buttons.