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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
plight your troth
▪ Of course, if everyone knew their partners inside out, there's a good chance no-one would ever plight their troth.
▪ Of course, if everyone knew their partners inside out, there's a good chance no-one would ever plight their troth.
▪ We will continue to cry at weddings because we know how bittersweet, how fragile is the troth.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Troth \Troth\, n. [A variant of truth. See Truth.]

  1. Belief; faith; fidelity.

    Bid her alight And hertroth plight.

  2. Truth; verity; veracity; as, by my troth.

    In troth, thou art able to instruct gray hairs.

  3. Betrothal.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"truth, verity," late 12c., from a phonetic variant of Old English treowð "faithfulness, veracity, truth" (see truth). Restricted to Midlands and Northern England dialect after 16c., and to certain archaic phrases (such as plight one's troth). Also see betroth.


n. (context archaic English) An oath, promise, or pledge.

  1. n. a mutual promise to marry [syn: betrothal, engagement]

  2. a solemn pledge of fidelity [syn: plight]


Troth may refer to:

  • An alternate form of truth, especially in the medieval sense
  • Troth Yeddha', a landform in the Fairbanks North Star Borough, Alaska
  • Doris Troth Lippman (21st century), American academic
  • The Troth, an American Asatru organization

Usage examples of "troth".

Southmarch Castle Earl of Daler s Troth, an Eddon cousin of Brennish ancestry, related to Meriel.

Southmarch Castle Earl of Daler s Troth, an Eddon cousin of Brennish ancestry, related to Meriel.

People had told him that Southmarch was as nothing compared to Tessis in Syan or the sprawling, ancient city-state of Hierosol with its two-score gates, but here were riches to spare for a young man from dark, lonely Dalers Troth, where earth and sky were both oppressively wet most of the time and in winter the sun seemed scarcely to top the hills.

Duke of Summerfield, was in the Great Hall as well, along with most of the rest of the Kings CouncilNynor the castellan, last of Brones original allies, the twins first cousin Rorick, Earl of Dalers Troth, Tyne Aldritch, Blueshores earl, and a dozen other nobles, all wearing their best clothes.

The girl, scarcely fourteen, with eyes like a frightened fawn, was being sent to marry Rorick Longarren, Earl of Dalers Troth and a cousin of the Eddon family.

FerrasVansen was a child of Dalers Troth, and had grown up only a short distance from the haunted ruins of old Westmarchon days the south wind blew back the mists, the broken shell of its keep could sometimes be seen from the highest hilltops.

The apparent invasion seemed to be on the borders of his Dalers Troth fiefdom, one of the few things that could lure him away from dicing and drinking.

They must be invading Dalers Troth even as we speaksomeone must stop them!

With fast riders on the Westmarch Road we might be able to draw a few companies from Dalers Troth soon after, if we can get around this fairy army.

It could be we will meet them in the hills of Dalers Troth in an attempt to keep them away from the cities.

I wonder why, if they have gathered such an army, they should choose to enter the March Kingdoms at Dalers Troth.

If theyve marched into Dalers Troth, well meet people who know something about them and how they fight.

Hedwig resisted him, but Gunter was accounted a handsome man, I learned, and no small prize for the woman who would get him to plight his troth with her.

One night when my father and I were alone in the little room where he slept with me, and he had finished reading his evening portion of Scripture aloud, I plucked up my courage to tell him that I loved Marie and wished to marry her, and that we had plighted our troth during the attack of the Kaffirs on the stead.

If it so be thou wilt withoute sloth Believe aright, and know the very troth.