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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Trophy \Tro"phy\, n.; pl. Trophies. [F. troph['e]e (cf. It. & Sp. trofeo), L. tropaeum, trophaeum, Gr. ?, strictly, a monument of the enemy's defeat, fr.? a turn, especially, a turning about of the enemy, a putting to flight or routing him, fr. ? to turn. See Trope.]

  1. (Gr. & Rom. Antiq.) A sign or memorial of a victory raised on the field of battle, or, in case of a naval victory, on the nearest land. Sometimes trophies were erected in the chief city of the conquered people.

    Note: A trophy consisted originally of some of the armor, weapons, etc., of the defeated enemy fixed to the trunk of a tree or to a post erected on an elevated site, with an inscription, and a dedication to a divinity. The Romans often erected their trophies in the Capitol.

  2. The representation of such a memorial, as on a medal; esp. (Arch.), an ornament representing a group of arms and military weapons, offensive and defensive.

  3. Anything taken from an enemy and preserved as a memorial of victory, as arms, flags, standards, etc.

    Around the posts hung helmets, darts, and spears, And captive chariots, axes, shields, and bars, And broken beaks of ships, the trophies of their wars.

  4. Any evidence or memorial of victory or conquest; as, every redeemed soul is a trophy of grace.

  5. An object memorializing a victory in a sporting contest.

    Note: Some trophies(5) are unique, temporary possession of the same object passing to the new victors of some periodic contest in subsequent occurrences. Others are objects of little inherent worth, given by the authority sponsoring the contest to the victor. A trophy is sometimes shaped like a cup, and in such cases may be called a cup, as the America's Cup (in Yacht racing).

    Trophy money, a duty paid formerly in England, annually, by housekeepers, toward providing harness, drums, colors, and the like, for the militia.


n. (plural of trophy English)

Trophies (O.C. & Apollo Brown album)

Trophies is a collaborative studio album by Detroit, Michigan producer Apollo Brown and D.I.T.C. member O.C. It was released by Mello Music Group in 2012.

Trophies (song)

"Trophies" is a song by Canadian rapper Drake. The song was produced by Hit-Boy, 40 and Hagler, originally for Drake's third studio album Nothing Was the Same. However, it would be left off the final track listing. After Drake released the song for free in December 2013, it was then announced to be included on the Young Money Entertainment compilation Young Money: Rise of an Empire. On February 27, 2014, it was released as the album's second official single. It has peaked at number 50 on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart.

Usage examples of "trophies".

To protect his person, and to adorn his glory with the trophies of their own exploits, were the most sacred of their duties.

No doubt the hunted would assume the role of the hunter, closing in on them often enough for Akarr to gather all the trophies he wanted.

Soon enough, they were back on the trail home, with Akarr strangely quiet about trophies, Ketan in a travois litter and Rakal limping along behind, and both Fan dreans keeping a careful rear guard.

Seven tripods never touched by fire, ten bars of gold, twenty burnished cauldrons, a dozen massive stallions, racers who earned me trophies with their speed.

Achilles set out iron, dark gray trophies, ten double-headed axes, ten with single heads.

Arrayed in front of the head table were maybe a hundred trophies, ranked by size.

Down on the floor, younger kids received their trophies while older ones competed in other rings.

The ranks of trophies shrank slowly, but the great majority of them, including all the biggest ones, remained where they stood.

Parker Neill and another IAMA blazer awarded trophies in a nearby ring.

The size and number of the trophies conferred validation, and publicity was all that separated martial artists from ordinary thugs.

Maybe a dozen trophies, some of them four feet tall, stood on stands attached to the walls.

His natural ability, coupled with a finely tuned competitive streak led to him becoming a British champion show-jumper, who won more awards and trophies than any other rider of his ilk.

Her bedroom was full of cups and trophies awards that Ursula felt sure would have been given to her daughters, if only they had been given the right horse or pony to ride.

In the seventh summer after his passage of the Hellespont, Alexander erected the Macedonian trophies on the banks of the Hyphasis.

Marcus, the emperor Severus, and his son, erected many trophies in Armenia, Mesopotamia, and Assyria.