a. (nonstandard spelling of true English)
Trôo is a commune of the Loir-et-Cher department in central France.
The village, which is partly troglodytic, is dominated by the collégiale or Saint Martin's church.
It overlooks the small church of Saint-Jacques-des-Guérets, known for its Romanesque wall paintings.
Usage examples of "troo".
You drives you car right on de field troo de next gate and picks it up.
Admittin all you say abowt the doctrin to be troo, I must say the reglar perfessional Sperrit rappers--them as makes a biznis on it--air abowt the most ornery set of cusses I ever enkountered in my life.
Ef I can crawl troo de sentries, and bring some for you and de oders, I will.
Into the river which led a roaring course towards the hell-spawned Forest of Troos which lay within the borders of Org, country of necromancy and rotting, ancient evil.
Karlaak, City of the Jade Towers, and explore the Forest of Troos another time.
Org save that the Forest of Troos lay within its boundaries and to that, other nations felt, it was welcome.
The leaf for the potion grows only in Troos and therefore it is rarely possible to perform.
Only the dreadful Forest of Troos remained to mark the coming and the passing of the legendary Doomed Folk.
I can keep my strength by means of certain herbs I found in Troos and dispense with the blade for ever?
Only the dreadful Forest of Troos remained to mark the coming and the passing of the Doomed Folk.
The drugs I discovered in Troos keep me strong, my eyesight clear, and need to be taken only occasionally.
Thank the gods that I discovered those drugs in Troos and I still have my strength.
Beyond the tall and ominous glass-green forest of Troos, well to the North and unheard of in Bakshaan, Elwher or any other city of the Young Kingdoms, on the shifting shores of the Sighing Desert lay Tanelorn, a lonely, long-ago city, loved by those it sheltered.
From Nadsokor, South West through the land of Vilmir, even through the squalid country of Org which has in it the dreadful forest of Troos, there was flame and black horror in the wake of the beggar horde, and insolent, disdainful of them though he led them, rode a being completely clad in black armour with a voice that rang hollow in the helm.
He wore loose-fitting silk troos and an embroidered shirt, beneath a cape of soft leather which hung down over his right arm.