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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Trolley car

Trolley car \Trol"ley car\ (Elec.) A motor car powered by electricity drawn from a trolley, and thus constrained to follow the trolley lines. Trolley line,

  1. A trolley (f) .

  2. The path along which a trolley car runs.

trolley car

n. An electric streetcar or tram with a trolley pole for collecting electric current.

trolley car

n. a wheeled vehicle that runs on rails and is propelled by electricity; "`tram' and `tramcar' are British terms" [syn: streetcar, tram, tramcar, trolley]

Usage examples of "trolley car".

And two men on the trolley car stood up to give Sylvia and her daughter their seats.

I didn't even have money for the stupid red trolley car to Hollywood.

One just can't stay grumpy, with Miss Pollyanna, even if you're only one of a trolley car full of folks that don't know her.

There was the trolley car that had been converted into a cable way.

Johnson climb aboard then he trailed the trolley car, unwilling to admit that ther was nothing he could do to correct the shambles he had madt of his relations with Gramp.