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n. a plant of the genus Kniphofia having long grasslike leaves and tall scapes of red or yellow drooping flowers [syn: kniphofia, flame flower, flame-flower, flameflower]


Tritoma is a genus of beetles in the family Erotylidae, the pleasing fungus beetles. It is distributed worldwide, mainly in the Old World. There are over 100 species.

Some species consume euagaric mushrooms, staying concealed amidst the gills as they feed. Some feed on mushrooms growing from dead trees, as well as mycorrhizae on living roots. One of the most common pleasing fungus beetles in Europe, T. bipustulata, is a black beetle with red spots which engages in autohaemorrhaging as a defensive behavior.

Molecular analysis suggests that Tritoma is paraphyletic, and might be best treated as two separate genera.

Species include:

  • Tritoma angulata
  • Tritoma atriventris
  • Tritoma aulica
  • Tritoma biguttata
  • Tritoma bipustulata
  • Tritoma eryhrocephala
  • Tritoma humeralis
  • Tritoma mimetica
  • Tritoma pulchra
  • Tritoma sanguinipennis
  • Tritoma tenebrosa
  • Tritoma unicolor