Trithemis is a genus of dragonflies in the family Libellulidae. They are commonly known as dropwings. There are over 40 species, mainly from Africa; two are endemic to Madagascar, and five are endemic to Asia. They are found in a wide variety of habitats; some species being adapted to permanent streams in forests, and others being capable of breeding in temporary pools in deserts.
The genus contains the following species:
- Trithemis aconita – monkshood dropwing, halfshade dropwing
- Trithemis aenea – bronze dropwing
- Trithemis aequalis – swamp dropwing
- Trithemis africana - western phantom dropwing
- Trithemis annulata – violet dropwing, violet-marked darter
- Trithemis anomala – striped dropwing
- Trithemis arteriosa – red-veined dropwing
- Trithemis aurora – crimson marsh glider
- Trithemis basitincta
- Trithemis bifida – shadow dropwing
- Trithemis bredoi – river dropwing
- Trithemis brydeni – percher-like dropwing
- Trithemis congolica – Congo dropwing
- Trithemis dejouxi – stonewash dropwing
- Trithemis dichroa - small dropwing, black dropwing
- Trithemis donaldsoni – denim dropwing
- Trithemis dorsalis – round-hook dropwing, highland dropwing
- Trithemis ellenbeckii – Ethiopian dropwing
- Trithemis festiva – indigo dropwing, black stream glider
- Trithemis fumosa
- Trithemis furva – navy dropwing
- Trithemis grouti - black dropwing, dark dropwing
- Trithemis hartwigi – superb dropwing
- Trithemis hecate – silhouette dropwing, hecate dropwing
- Trithemis hinnula – mule dropwing
- Trithemis imitata – copycat dropwing
- Trithemis integra – Albertine dropwing
- Trithemis kalula – pretty dropwing
- Trithemis kirbyi – orange-winged dropwing, Kirby's dropwing
- Trithemis legrandi – robust dropwing
- Trithemis lilacina
- Trithemis longistyla
- Trithemis monardi - Monard's dropwing, fluttering dropwing
- Trithemis morrisoni – rapids dropwing
- Trithemis nigra
- Trithemis nuptialis - hairy-legged dropwing
- Trithemis osvaldae
- Trithemis pallidinervis - long-legged marsh glider
- Trithemis palustris – marsh dropwing
- Trithemis persephone
- Trithemis pluvialis – riffle-and-reed dropwing, river dropwing, russet dropwing
- Trithemis pruinata – cobalt dropwing
- Trithemis selika
- Trithemis stictica – jaunty dropwing
- Trithemis werneri – elegant dropwing