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Trilophus is a genus of beetles in the family Carabidae, containing the following species:

  • Trilophus acuminatus Balkenohl, 1999
  • Trilophus alternans Balkenohl, 1999
  • Trilophus appulsus Balkenohl, 1999
  • Trilophus arcuatus Balkenohl, 1999
  • Trilophus baehri Balkenohl, 1999
  • Trilophus birmanicus (Bates, 1892)
  • Trilophus convexus Balkenohl, 1999
  • Trilophus crinitus Balkenohl, 1999
  • Trilophus ellipticus Balkenohl, 1999
  • Trilophus elongatus Balkenohl, 1999
  • Trilophus fuscus Balkenohl, 1999
  • Trilophus hirsutus Balkenohl, 1999
  • Trilophus hispidulus (Putzeys, 1866)
  • Trilophus imitator Balkenohl, 1999
  • Trilophus interpunctatus (Putzeys, 1866)
  • Trilophus latiusculus Balkenohl, 1999
  • Trilophus loebli Balkenohl, 1999
  • Trilophus lompei Balkenohl, 1999
  • Trilophus palpireductus Balkenohl, 1999
  • Trilophus parallelus Balkenohl, 1999
  • Trilophus schawalleri Balkenohl, 1999
  • Trilophus schmidti (Putzeys, 1877)
  • Trilophus serratulus Balkenohl, 1999
  • Trilophus serratus Balkenohl, 1999
  • Trilophus setosus Balkenohl, 1999
  • Trilophus tonkinensis Balkenohl, 1999
  • Trilophus variabilis Balkenohl, 1999
  • Trilophus weberi Balkenohl, 1999