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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Trigraph \Tri"graph\, n. [Pref. tri- + -graph.] Three letters united in pronunciation so as to have but one sound, or to form but one syllable, as -ieu in adieu; a triphthong.


n. (context linguistics English) A specific sequence of three letters, especially one used collectively to represent a single phoneme.


Trigraph may refer to:

Trigraph (orthography)

A trigraph (from the , treîs, "three" and γράφω, gráphō, "write") is a group of three letters used to represent a single sound or a combination of sounds that does not correspond to the written letters combined.

Usage examples of "trigraph".

Then the order of trigraphs, common doubles, initial letters, final letters, one-, two-, three-, and four-letter words.