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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Trigonometric \Trig`o*no*met"ric\, Trigonometrical \Trig`o*no*met"ric*al\, [Cf. F. trigonom['e]trique.] Of or pertaining to trigonometry; performed by the rules of trigonometry. [1913 Webster]
-- Trig`o*no*met"ric*al*ly, adv.

Trigonometrical curve, a curve one of whose co["o]rdinates is a trigonometric function of the other.

Trigonometrical function. See under Function.

Trigonometrical lines, lines which are employed in solving the different cases of plane and spherical trigonometry, as sines, tangents, secants, and the like. These lines, or the lengths of them, are trigonometrical functions of the arcs and angles to which they belong.

Trigonometrical survey. See under Survey.


a. Of, pertaining to, or obtained using trigonometry

Usage examples of "trigonometrical".

England is to see if he can connect the trigonometrical surveys of the two countries.

On the summit of this hill is a great Trigonometrical Survey pillar.

As a matter of interest, you can get this one for five shillings from the Trigonometrical Survey Office in Pretoria.