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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Trifurcate \Tri*fur"cate\, Trifurcated \Tri*fur"ca*ted\, a. [L. trifurcus; tri- (see Tri-) + furca fork.] Having three branches or forks; trichotomous.

  1. forked, with three tines or points. v

  2. To divide or fork into three channels or branches.


v. divide into three; "The road trifurcates at the bridge"

Usage examples of "trifurcate".

At the bottom they were bifurcated, trifurcated, multifurcated into rooty legs or leggy roots on which they wandered about in a rather desultory way, sometimes tripping each other out of what seemed to be sheer ill nature.

From the front it looked like a trifurcated projectile, but because the fuselage contained a disproportionately large and powerful engine, from the side it had a silhouette rather like that of the Kobatan, an exotic Amazonian parrot.

A couple of tables from her were two llorgiss, their trifurcated bodies seeming to face every way at once.