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n. (plural of trifler English)

Usage examples of "triflers".

I would sweep away these triflers, but long thought shows me the task outweighs my resources.

These dainty triflers made sulking as impossible amongst them as philosophy in a ballroom.

Each time a name was called I started and stared at the drawer in a way which should have filled him with alarm had alarm been possible to the peace-soaked triflers, then turned to glance to where, amongst the women, my tender little princess was leaning against a pillar, with drooping head, slowly pulling a convolvulus bud to pieces.

We came but a few generations ago from where the gold curtains of the sun lie behind the westward pine-trees, and as we came we drove, year by year, those fays, those spent triflers, back before us.

Had there been a man beside me, had there been but two or three of all those silken triflers, too late come on the terraces above to watch, we might have won.

CHAPTER XI With the new morning came fresh energy and a spasm of conscience as I thought of poor Heru and the shabby sort of rescuer I was to lie about with these pretty triflers while she remained in peril.