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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Trichromatic \Tri`chro*mat"ic\, a. [Pref. tri- + chromatic.] (Zo["o]l.) Having or existing in three different phases of color; having three distinct color varieties; -- said of certain birds and insects.


a. 1 Involving three colours 2 Having perception in three primary colours


adj. having or involving three colors; "trichromatic vision"; "a trichromatic printing process"; "trichromatic staining is the staining of tissue samples differentially in three colors"; "tricolor plumage"; "a tricolor process in photography" [syn: trichrome, tricolor]

Usage examples of "trichromatic".

Under the glare of the trichromatic lights-so dazzling that they pained the eyes-the long, broad corridors seemed to stretch to infinity.