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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Trichite \Trich"ite\, n. [Gr. ?, ?, hair.]

  1. (Min.) A kind of crystallite resembling a bunch of hairs, common in obsidian. See Illust. of Crystallite.

  2. (Zo["o]l.) A delicate, hairlike siliceous spicule, found in certain sponges.

    Trichite sheaf (Zo["o]l.), one of the small sheaflike fascicles of slender set[ae] characteristic of certain sponges. See Illust. under Spicule.


n. 1 (context mineralogy English) A kind of crystallite resembling a bunch of hairs, common in obsidian. 2 (context zoology English) A delicate, hair-like siliceous spicule, found in certain sponges.