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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Tribuneship \Trib"une*ship\, n. The office or power of a tribune.


n. (context historical English) The office of tribune


n. the position of tribune

Usage examples of "tribuneship".

To speak further of attire, an incident from which portents were drawn occurred during the year of my tribuneship in Rome.

Tiberius Cannutius who formerly during his tribuneship had assembled the populace for Caesar Octavianus.

Plebeian office, instituted at the same time as the Tribuneship of the Plebs.

Senate, Caius determined to become a candidate for the Tribuneship, and to reform the Roman constitution.

Exasperated by the persecution of the Senate, Caius determined to become a candidate for the Tribuneship, and to reform the Roman constitution.

Virginia that was defended by Icilius, but that, being a restless man, and even now breathing the spirit of the tribuneship, he was seeking an occasion for a disturbance.

Marcus Duilius, who had passed through a distinguished tribuneship before the creation of the decemvirs, and was never wanting to the commons in their contests with the decemvirs.

When he entered on his tribuneship, Lucius Icilius proposed to the commons, and the commons ordered, that the secession from the decemvirs which had taken place should not prove detrimental to any individual.

That it was highly honourable to themselves and to their office that there resided not in the tribuneship more strength to harass the senate and to excite disunion among the several orders, than to resist their perverse colleagues.

Icilians, whom they suspected of aiming at the consular tribuneship as the reward of their turbulent tribuneship of the commons.

During their tribuneship, whilst the solicitude of all was directed to the Veientian war, the garrison at Anxur was neglected in consequence of the absence of the soldiers on leave, and from the indiscriminate admission of Volscian traders was overpowered, the guards at the gates being suddenly betrayed.

Nay, on the contrary, several patricians had been condemned after their tribuneship, no plebeian.

Wherefore, if this state were free, would they not all in full assembly have replied to you, Begone hence with your tribuneships and your propositions?

During their tribuneship, whilst the solicitude of all was directed to the Veientian war, the garrison at Anxur was neglected in consequence of the absence of the soldiers on leave, and from the indiscriminate admission of Volscian traders was overpowered, the guards at the gates being suddenly betrayed.

But Spurius Maelius, to whom the tribuneship of the plebs was a thing to be wished for rather than hoped for, a wealthy corn-factor, hoped to buy the liberty of his fellow-citizens for a couple of pounds of spelt, and imagined that by throwing a little corn to them he could reduce to slavery the men who had conquered all the neighbouring States, and that he whom the State could hardly stomach as a senator would be tolerated as a king, possessing the power and insignia of Romulus, who had sprung from the gods and been carried back to the gods!