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n. A person who identifies with, or has loyalty to a tribe or similar group

Usage examples of "tribalist".

Contrary to the hopes of the effete dreamers, faster-than-light travel did not make a dent in the human tribalist tradition.

He is a professed tribalist of the first order who does not wish to live within his tribe.

July, when Kissinger had secured presidential permission for a covert program of military intervention, coordinated with the South Africans and General Mobutu, to impose a tribalist regime upon Angola.

Zaire: the majority of African states, as a matter of record, opposed his intervention on the side of the tribalist and pro-South Africa militias in Angola.

Here racism is the same as tribalism, and we are all blatant tribalists, especially the blacks.

Zarqawi, Iraqi nationalists and tribalists offended by American aggressiveness.

The most significant of all cultural differences between men, namely, the difference between the tribalists and the cosmopolitans, traversed the national boundaries.

Of course, there were rival Tribalists in every single management consulting firm in the world working against us.

Here racism is the same as tribalism, and we are all blatant tribalists, especially the blacks.