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Usage examples of "triangulus".

Chapter Seven RV trianguli was an A3 giant, something of a loner as stars went.

Now Enterprise coasted in close to that brilliant sun, ten million miles out or so, and away past it again, as RV Trianguli continued to swell, like some huge creature taking in a breath, and taking it in, and taking it in.

Everything glittered with light, not just from RV Trianguli but from the interior lights inside the outer shell that came on to maintain minimum light levels for the parts of the city that were rotating into darkness.

In the neighborhood of RV Trianguli, aboard Sem-pach, the scheduled briefing between the negotiating team and the top-level officers of the starships on site had been going on for half an hour or so.

I would have liked to see the incident at 15 Trianguli discussed in rather greater detail.

Nine Grand Fleet vessels have been recalled from patrol routes in the Zone nearest Laessind/ RV Trianguli and are now proceeding to Ar-taleirh to investigate/intervene.

Negotiations regarding these incursions have failed, and have been followed by a new incursion of a Rom-ulan task force into the space near 15 Trianguli.

Under conventional ramscoop drive at first, then using bootstrapping again as the memory of pain dulled a little, the ships headed for 4408AB Trianguli, a promising "wide" binary with two possible stars.

The F5 star Terran astronomers knew as Zeta Trianguli Australis was a diamond chip five light-years astern, and the blood-red hyper trace indicator flashed almost on a line with it.

Colin MacIntyre had lost ninety-four percent of the Fourth Empire's resurrected Imperial Guard Flotilla in the Zeta Trianguli Campaign.