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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Tresor \Tres"or\, n. Treasure. [Obs.]


Trésor is an R&B, hip hop and soul French double album, written and performed by French-Algerian singer Kenza Farah. The album, her third studio album, contains 18 tracks (including two bonus and a bonus virgin mega) and guest appearances with Segnor Alonzo, Lea Castel, Melissa M, Younes, Kayline (Karismatik) and Nabila (Karismatik). It was released November 15, 2010 in France.

Usage examples of "tresor".

One lady actually tried to get me turned out of her drawing-room on account of Tresor, but I made such an uproar!

I am bound to add that for that circumstance, too, I shall owe a debt of gratitude to my friend Tresor to the hour of my death.

My poor Tresor lay dead with his throat torn open, and of the other, the damned brute, not a trace to be seen!

Louis XIV fit fondre et envoyer a la Monnaie ce qui restait, en 1690, du tresor de Notre-Dame de Liesse.

It has been thousands of years since our ancestors were here and yet these humans continue to evolve at the creeping pace of a Tresor slug.