Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
Usage examples of "tree-top".
Well, we think that a time may come when we who live on shrubs like goats may again browse on tree-tops like giraffes, for Panda is no strong king, and he has sons who hate each other, one of whom may need our spears.
It was a day in late August, and the sun was touching the tree-tops to the west when Vernon Quayle came from the house, walking slowly as he usually did, hands behind him, moving across the lawn to where I stood watching Eleanor as she prepared to make a stroke.
Shana followed his gaze, catching sight of a dragonin full, impressive draconic formand his halfblood rider, kiting up the slope of the hill below where they sat, riding a rising thermal just above tree-top level.
The ship heeled over steeply until her mastheads touched the tree-tops.
Wavy tree-tops, yellow whins, Shelter eager minikins, Myriads, free to peck and pipe: Would you better?
After continuing this for a moment or two, as if in expectation that the fruit was going to be tossed down to him by some good spirit in the tree-top, he turns wildly round in another fit of despair, and scampers off to the distance of thirty or forty yards.
Also he thought a bed would be more comfortable than a tree-top for sleeping, so he hopped to the ground and said: "I want to become Kiki Aru again--Pyrzqxgl!
In the depths a carpet of huge tree-tops clothed a vast stretch of country, through the midst of which, seen here and there in a bend of silver among the woods, the Bhavinan bore the waters of a thousand secret mountain solitudes down to an unknown sea.
Now in the crop and now down in the breres: Now in the tree-top, now down in the briars.
It chanced one evening, while Nakaeia sat below at supper with his wives, that the owner of the grove was in a tree-top drawing palm-tree wine.
Tungata called, and, twisting in his seat, Craig had a glimpse of the big grey machine going in low over the tree-tops behind them, lined up for the airstrip.
This discovery of human presences latent over-head in a place where we had supposed ourselves alone, the immobility of our tree-top spies, and the thought that perhaps at all hours we were similarly supervised, struck us with a chill.
Even as we were debating between ourselves, with an ardor that made us oblivious of our long wayfaring, what costly loot we would first choose from among all the mythical treasures of Commoriom, we saw in the moonlight the gleam of marble cupolas above the tree-tops, and then between the boughs and boles the wan pillars of shadowy porticoes.
It was still raining, a steady grey relentless downpouring from the low pregnant cloud-banks that seemed to press against the tree-tops, but Mark was dry.
And they laughed at Hiawatha, Till the tree-tops shook with laughter, With their melancholy laughter, At the words of Hiawatha.