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n. The edge of the habitat at which trees are capable of growing; the timberline.

Usage examples of "tree-line".

Jao guards, then was waved through to a tree-lined boulevard full of deep green shadows and lined by a veritable sea of begonias so that red and pink and white filled the eyes.

The beautiful, tree-lined street is known as Restaurant Row because both sides are lined with trendy eateries that cater to the Broadway theater crowd.

They were leaving the French Quarter now, turning left on the boulevarded and tree-lined Esplanade Avenue, deserted except for the receding taillights of another car disappearing swiftly toward Bayou St.

He was around where the tree-line bulged herniatically out toward the end of the West Courts' fencing.

Korlat rode to where Whiskeyjack had halted beneath the tree-lined crest that marked the beginning of the coppiced parkland, and drew rein alongside him.

Then Coyle he of the weak bladder and suspicious discharge gets excused to go back into the eastern tree-line out of sight of the distaffs and pee, so the other three get a minute to jog over to the pavilion and stand with their hands on their hips and breathe and drink Gator-ade out of little conic paper cups you can't put down til they're empty.

It is only a forty-minute flight from London to Schiphol Airport and soon we are checked into our hotel and wandering the tree-lined canals with tall town houses reflected in the water, the compact streets full of bicycles, the sickly-sweet smell of hashish and marijuana drifting from the coffee shops.

He slowly got to his feet, and ducking from one pine to the next, he made his way to the end of the circular drive, and then continued down the tree-lined border of the narrow graveled road.

He went to her and took her hand, and she led him along a cool green tree-lined path.

When the coach landed him at Marlboro, he stepped primly down, adjusted his tall hat, grabbed his box, and set out on foot for home, To his disappointment, no one in Marlboro bothered to congratu late him on having attained the ministry, for in his tall hat no one recognized him, and he reached the tree-lined lane leading to his home without having spoken to anyone, and there he stood in the hot dust, greeting, as he felt, for the last time, this bleak, unkindly home in which generations of Hales had been born, and it seemed to him so marked with love that he bowed his head and wept He was standing in this manner when the younger children spotted him and led the whole family out to welcome him home.

But when he was close enough for the tree-line to hide him from the house, perhaps twenty feet from the maple, he stopped and lay for a while, massaging his knees and loosening his wrists for the last lap.

She had walked the tree-lined Cambridge streets with them, had eaten pizza and Coke alongside them, had bought clothes where they did, had listened to their music, first in snatches from passing cars, then in jukeboxes in the pizzerias, then in the dance clubs late at night.