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n. (plural of trebuchet English)

Usage examples of "trebuchets".

He made his own, out of whatever he could find, or take, or steal, parts of cars and rescued bits of machinery, which he turned into hooks and shivs, crossbows and arbalests, small mangonels and trebuchets for breaking walls, cudgels, glaives and knob-kerries.

The trebuchets, mangonels, and pendulas positioned far beyond the bears began to fling their freight.

Tiny siege towers and trebuchets tumbled over the sides, along with assault towers and flats of soldiers, as Quillons plucked the drumstick from the little mound of Tribute Hill.

An even larger company was gathering beyond them, along with ballistae, trebuchets and hurlersthe latter with their buckets of scalding gravel steaming like cauldrons.

The trebuchets looked ungainly - oversized slingshots with heavy wooden beams bracing the armature for the firing paddle, which was winched back by stout hemp ropes, then released to snap upward, flinging its payload over the castle walls.

The trebuchets creaked as the Tartessians heaved around the crank handles of the geared windlasses.