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tread down

v. walk on and flatten; "tramp down the grass"; "trample the flowers" [syn: tramp down, trample]

Usage examples of "tread down".

In his way he went as directly and dauntingly for what he wanted as the old man had always done, and would tread down whoever stood in his way with as little compunction.

They tread down with their feet, and the wheel turns, turns so that there is always another tread under their feet.

A horse on shipboard takes up the space of ten men, Besides that problem, horses are likely to kick a vessel to pieces in a storm and then tread down men swimming in the water.

And yet I cannot, I have to clear away many dull weeds, and tread down many noxious nettles, before I can reach the one fresh and thornless rose, that bloomed for a short space upon my heart, and the fragrance of which so intoxicated my senses, that, for a time, I was under a blessed delusion of believing myself happy.