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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Treacherous \Treach"er*ous\, a. [See Treacher.] Like a traitor; involving treachery; violating allegiance or faith pledged; traitorous to the state or sovereign; perfidious in private life; betraying a trust; faithless.

Loyal father of a treacherous son.

The treacherous smile, a mask for secret hate.

Syn: Faithless; perfidious; traitorous; false; insidious; plotting. [1913 Webster] -- Treach"er*ous*ly, adv. -- Treach"er*ous*ness, n.


n. treachery; the characteristic of being treacherous.

Usage examples of "treacherousness".

It rose spiked and nearly sheer, but she had encountered cliffs like it before in the high Djenn Marre—cliffs more difficult for the cold, the wind, the treacherousness of ice underfoot and hand.

It rose spiked and nearly sheer, but she had encountered cliffs like it before in the high Djenn Marre-cliffs more difficult for the cold, the wind, the treacherousness of ice underfoot and hand.

Morgen felt the treacherousness beneath his feet and reached out instinctively to steady himself against the wall, but his hand skidded away and he fell over into Endelmyer, taking them both down in a heap on top of Sutton.

The simple, dutiful, wifely kiss that seemed to seal us away from all the loneliness and treacherousness of the outside world.

But she hadn't taken into account the treacherousness of the earth under her combat boots, and she slipped over to her left, momentarily off balance.