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travel by

v. pass by; "A black limousine passed by when she looked out the window"; "He passed his professor in the hall"; "One line of soldiers surpassed the other" [syn: pass by, surpass, go past, go by, pass]

Usage examples of "travel by".

The components are small enough to travel by air -- that is one reason why we chose your machine.

We must travel by day if we are to keep ahead of those who hunt you.

Just why this should be so is puzzling, as time travel by either means seems equally impossible and equally implausible, but it does appear to be so.

When the voxyn showed its willingness to resume travel by not killing anyone, the Yuuzhan Vong turned and - leaving their dead and wounded where they lay - vanished through the open air lock.

You travel by all the trains you can think of in all the likely parts.

Jilly felt surprisingly welcome, almost as if she had found her way as sometimes a dog, lost during its family's move from one city to another, can travel by instinct across great distances to a new home it has never seen.

If you travel by particle transporter, I will set the controls, that you may be properly reassembled.

Sarah Poole April went with him, and made up for her dislike of space travel by pioneering the evolution of space medicine to include unfamiliar life forms and unusual biological conditions.