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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Travail \Trav"ail\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Travailed; p. pr. & vb. n. Travailing.] [F. travailler, OF. traveillier, travaillier, to labor, toil, torment; cf. Pr. trebalhar to torment, agitate. See Travail, n.]

  1. To labor with pain; to toil. [Archaic] ``Slothful persons which will not travail for their livings.''

  2. To suffer the pangs of childbirth; to be in labor.


n. The process of undergoing travails or exertions. vb. (present participle of travail English)

Usage examples of "travailing".

Religion as merely revelation and in its endeavour to find a rational basis for faith set God apart from His world, detached, unheeding and offering no real recourse to a travailing humanity between whom and Himself it built a rigid fabric of impersonal law.