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n. (alternative form of trap rock English)


Traprock or trap rock may refer to:

  • Trap rock, form of igneous rock exhibiting polygonal vertical fractures
    • Traprock mountain
  • Traprock Important Bird Area, Queensland, Australia
  • Trap Rock River, Michigan, USA
  • Walter E. Traprock, pseudonym of American architect and author George Shepard Chappell

Usage examples of "traprock".

An hour later they crossed the Pecos River, putting the horses into the ford, the water swift and clear and partly salt running over the limestone bedrock and the horses studying the water before them and placing their feet with great care on the broad traprock plates and eyeing the shapes of trailing moss in the rips below the ford where they flared and twisted electric green in the morning light.

They crossed the old Schoonover road and they rode up through broken hills dotted with cedar where the ground was cobbled with traprock and they could see snow on the thin blue ranges a hundred miles to the north.

He hazed them on and they clambered up through traprock fallen from the rim country above and they led up onto the northfacing slope and along a barren gravel ridge where he gripped the captain anew and looked back.

The floodplain he crossed was walled about with fallen traprock and in the twilight the little desert foxes had come out to sit along the walls silent and regal as icons watching the night come and the doves called from the acacia and then night fell dark as Egypt and there was just the stillness and the silence and the sound of the horses breathing and the sound of their hooves clopping in the dark.

At ten, fifteen miles an hour the perpetual train, Iron Council, went north, surrounded by cut, fangs of traprock, for New Crobuzon.

So Longarm consulted his watch and crunched off across the traprock ballast of the Golden rail yards as he idly wondered why it always smelled like a cobwebbed hayloft over in these foothills, indoors or out.

Buried deep in the heart of the barn, with thick walls of New England traprock, and no electrical illumination, the room was a marvelously clandestine place.

The scar along the steep slope had been caused by workmen scooping out traprock and gravel.

The steps ended at a point partway down the river terrace, and to reach them they had to climb a wall of traprock.