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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Trapezoidal \Trap`e*zoid"al\, a. [Cf. F. trap['e]zo["i]dal.]

  1. Having the form of a trapezoid; trapezoid.

  2. (Min.) Trapezohedral.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1796, from trapezoid + -al (1).


a. In the shape of a trapezoid, or having some faces which have one pair of parallel sides.


adj. resembling a trapezoid


Usage examples of "trapezoidal".

An enormous trapezoidal pyramid, the headquarters was filled with thousands of offices staffed with important delegates, bureaucrats, and clerks.

Yet it was also incomprehensibly alien, with architecture based on different aesthetics, walls at the wrong angles, trapezoidal doorways that were not necessarily at floor level.

As DD shone his glowpanel around the chamber, Margaret saw that a major section of the primary wall was completely blank, a trapezoidal sheet of stone like a virgin canvas, framed by a dense perimeter of symbols.

The other two robots stared at the intact trapezoidal stone window, as if searching their scrubbed memory circuits.

To her pleased astonishment, the symbols matched the markings on individual tiles surrounding the trapezoidal stone window.

Margaret hurried to the symbol tiles that framed the smooth trapezoidal plane.

Turning, Louis raced toward the trapezoidal portal wall where the window looked out upon a sanctuary.

As you can see, Leticia is also at the southernmost tip of a trapezoidal area of Colombia bordered on the east and west by straight borders, on the north by the Putumayo River, and on the south by the Amazon.

Louis had died, Davlin scraped a sample of dried blood from the surface of the trapezoidal stone window and slipped the powder into an analysis pad.

Then an image focused on the trapezoidal stone surface as if a doorway had opened.

Behind him was another trapezoidal transportal wall identical to the one inside the Rheindic Co caves.

An image of a weird lavender sky above an alien landscape had shone like a projection through the trapezoidal stone.

The trapezoidal stone window on this end of the portal wall also seemed intact and functional.

If each symbol around the trapezoidal stone window was the coordinate of another destination among the long-abandoned Klikiss planets, he had no way of knowing which was which.

West saw his goal: a squat trapezoidal doorway, raised several feet off the watery floor.