n. A drum kit
Usage examples of "trap set".
It looked to him like a deliberate trap set by the Venusian scientist.
Since Ripple had not expressed an opinion, Trap set off to the left, with his sister close to his side.
Khemsa groaned and staggered toward her, falling into the trap set for him.
I could have protected you then, but nay, you fell into the trap set for you.
But here, in these vaults which time has overlooked and which are as secret and as serviceable to-day as they were two hundred years ago, I wait patiently, with my trap set, like the spider for the fly!
But the second explanation why there were no other finger-prints on Sakhmet was to come later, after his arrest, to wit, no one had actually wielded the statue: it was a death-trap set by Salveter!
And, by instinct or cunning, he has avoided or escaped every trap set for him.
I would have to do better than this but by Jesus Christ I was sitting here in a stinking farm truck with our run to the coast blocked off by snow and the objective for the mission sitting beside me and telling me he'd been working for both major intelligence networks, East and West, for a long time, eight days into Northlight and already five on the deathroll and a live bomb under my legs and someone out there putting the windscreen into the crosshairs or signalling ahead of us to get a trap set or coming up from behind us like the man who was out of petrol and there was nothing I could do about it until I could get this bastard to the frontier and take him to London and leave him there to spill his guts all over Croder's debriefing desk and then I was going to ask questions, an awful lot of questions about the man running our Murmansk cell and why the hell he'd let his sleeper go on working for London and Peking without checking on his product and his couriers and his contacts and his .