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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Transverse \Trans*verse"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Transversed; p. pr. & vb. n. Transversing.] To overturn; to change. [R.]
--C. Leslie.


vb. (present participle of transverse English)

Usage examples of "transversing".

It had no transversing pole from which to suspend hangers, nor did it have hangers.

To my right, perhaps a hundred feet away, was a slanting fissure in the cliff face, transversing a good four or five hundred feet I couldn't see how far down it went, but it was my only shot I had to scramble across that vertical cliff and then work my way down the fissure.

The beige-and-blue linoleum corridor unfurled in front of us and was crossed with transversing hallways.

Through the bars of the ladder, she could see a fourth monster coming across the scrap yard, leaping from nonconductive pile to nonconductive pile like a cat transversing a creek via stepping stones.

They were terribly exposed now, transversing the top ridge of a double-peaked mountain.