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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Transparent \Trans*par"ent\, a. [F., from LL. transparens, -entis, p. pr. of transparere to be transparent; L. trans across, through + parere to appear. See Appear.]

  1. Having the property of transmitting rays of light, so that bodies can be distinctly seen through; pervious to light; diaphanous; pellucid; as, transparent glass; a transparent diamond; -- opposed to opaque. ``Transparent elemental air.''

  2. Admitting the passage of light; open; porous; as, a transparent veil.

    Syn: Translucent; pellucid; clear; bright; limpid; lucid; diaphanous. See Translucent. [1913 Webster] -- Trans*par"ent*ly, adv. -- Trans*par"ent*ness, n.


adv. 1 in a transparent manner; with nothing hidden. 2 (context manner English) So as to admit light without distortion. 3 (context modal English) So as to be readily perceived and understood.

  1. adv. so as to be easily understood or seen through; "his transparently lucid prose"; "his transparently deceitful behavior"

  2. so as to allow the passage of light; "the red brilliance of the claret shines transparently in our glasses"

Usage examples of "transparently".

While diplomatic language since the age of heralds had habitually used subterfuge, and presupposed distinctions between ostensible and actual intentions that would be read by those to whom its messages were addressed, the language of citizens was meant to be transparently sincere, direct and unmediated.

But her innocence was so transparently palpable, and her unprotectedness so remarkable, that Mr.

The next Advanced Basics guy summoned by their gleamingly bald western-wear chairman to speak is dreadfully, transparently unfunny: painfully new but pretending to be at ease, to be an old hand, desperate to amuse and impress them.

You may have been so transparently disguised that your position would be revealed and your family would crack down on you.

It would have been utterly simpleminded of any responsible man to accept such transparently ridiculous reasons at face value.

Some of the huds flickered transparently and he could see the zipheads’ eyes moving.

That is, the story of the fundamental Enlightenment paradigm (the reduction of the Kosmos to the Right-Hand path: the entire Left-Hand dimensions were simply taken for granted, as more or less pregiven, and consciousness was assumed to be a punctual, disengaged subject staring out unproblematically and transparently at a pre-given world, and the job of this disengaged subject was to simply, easily, but carefully reflect, represent, describe, categorize, and analyze the objective, pregiven world)this could occur because the noosphere had finally differentiated from the biosphere, a differentiation that went too far into dissociation (Hegel's "vanity of the understanding," Taylor's "monster of arrested development"), so that the dissociated noosphere was merely the disengaged and self-defining subject staring at, hovering over, divorced from, the holistic flatland of the natural world.

In an article published in several installments in the Pennsylvania Packet and transparently written under the pen name Common Sense, he asserted in January 1779 that official papers conclusively proved that the supplies furnished by Beaumarchais had been a free gift from France.

Not to blight my life but merely to weaken my will, so that I could not reject her pretendedly impulsive but transparently long-planned proposal.