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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Transmute \Trans*mute"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Transmuted; p. pr. & vb. n. Transmuting.] [L. transmutare, transmutatum; trans across + mutare to change. See Mutable, and cf. Transmew.] To change from one nature, form, or substance, into another; to transform.

The caresses of parents and the blandishments of friends transmute us into idols.

Transmuting sorrow into golden joy Free from alloy.
--H. Smith.


vb. (en-past of: transmute)

Usage examples of "transmuted".

I suppose if a pocketknife can be transmuted into a key a chain can be transmuted into a scar.

With alchemical magic the lamp revealed the fire buried in her dark hair and transmuted her yellow satin gown to gold.

Halrloprillalar told Nessus that the Ringworld ships carried lead, for compactness, and transmuted it into air and water and fuel during the journey.

But why not simply plate it around the ship, where it would serve as shielding before it need be transmuted into fuel?

As the hot, early universe evolved, the extra dimensions may have transmuted from shape to shape, ultimately settling down to one particular Calabi-Yau space once things had cooled off sufficiently.

I walked through the transmuted place beside my two males, one in herringbone, the other in navy pea.

The transmission transmuted itself into patterns and three-dimensional graphics that could only have been produced by a powerful artificial intelligence.

She watched the strange dance of molecular patterns and again she gasped as the chains of human existence were flailed into new shapes: gene-chains grew, flowered, were transmuted almost playfully.

Captain Spingarn still transmuted, you are the only human member of the two parties.

Marvell was loose inside the Possibility Space, transmuted into some other kind of life form, together with his assistant!

Director glared at Marvell and questioned him and Liz Hassell about the fantastic encounter between the transmuted Marvell, Liz, Spingarn and the Alien.

I looked out of my window and saw the whole landscape transmuted before me.

The floor was thick with the dust of decay, and the painted ceiling fading from all gay colours and light fancies of cupids in a career, and disfigured with sores of dampness, seemed transmuted into other work.