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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Translocation \Trans`lo*ca"tion\, n. [Pref. trans- + location.] removal of things from one place to another; substitution of one thing for another.

There happened certain translocations at the deluge.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"removal from one place to another," 1620s, from trans- + location.


n. 1 removal of things from one place to another; displacement; substitution of one thing for another. 2 (context genetics English) A transfer of a chromosomal segment to a new position, especially on a nonhomologous chromosome; the segment so transferred.

  1. n. the transport of dissolved material within a plant

  2. (genetics) an exchange of chromosome parts; "translocations can result in serious congenital disorders"


Translocation may refer to:

  • Translocation (at Wiktionary): Removal of things from one place to another; displacement; substitution of one thing for another.
  • Chromosomal translocation, a chromosome abnormality caused by rearrangement of parts
    • Robertsonian translocation, a chromosomal rearrangement in pairs 13, 14, 15, 21, and 22
    • Nonreciprocal translocation, transfer of genes from one chromosome to another
  • PEP group translocation, a method used by bacteria for sugar uptake
  • Twin-arginine translocation pathway, a protein export pathway found in plants, bacteria, and archaea
  • Translocation (plants), transport of nutrients through phloem or xylem
  • Protein translocation, also called protein targeting, a process in protein biosynthesis
  • Species translocation, movement of a species, by people, from one area to another

Usage examples of "translocation".

The second, the minority of cases, was a permanent chromosomal attachment in the mother, a translocation trisomy, a fluke of a fluke that struck mothers of all ages equally.

Defensive magics, all, designed to foil each new method of scrying or translocation or other means of access.

I could not think of her in my arms nor of her ignorant, timid lips on mine for she was always and would remain only the unfortunate Elizabeth Cardwell, the innocent and unwitting victim of an inexplicable translocation and an unexpected, unjust reduction to shameful bondage.

With spells they 'twist' many of the portals established by the Thayans in their enclaves so those who use such translocations can have spells stolen from their minds en route, suggestions planted, memories and information 'read,' and so on.

As the new dwellings in Sharpeville became available, the population was moved down from Top Location, and although the rents were as high as œ2 7s 6d per month, the translocations were effected gradually and peaceably.