Crossword clues for translated
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Translate \Trans*late"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Translated; p. pr. & vb. n. Translating.] [f. translatus, used as p. p. of transferre to transfer, but from a different root. See Trans-, and Tolerate, and cf. Translation.]
To bear, carry, or remove, from one place to another; to transfer; as, to translate a tree. [Archaic]
--Dryden.In the chapel of St. Catharine of Sienna, they show her head- the rest of her body being translated to Rome.
--Evelyn. To change to another condition, position, place, or office; to transfer; hence, to remove as by death.
To remove to heaven without a natural death.
By faith Enoch was translated, that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translatedhim.
--Heb. xi. 5. (Eccl.) To remove, as a bishop, from one see to another. ``Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, when the king would have translated him from that poor bishopric to a better, . . . refused.''
To render into another language; to express the sense of in the words of another language; to interpret; hence, to explain or recapitulate in other words.
Translating into his own clear, pure, and flowing language, what he found in books well known to the world, but too bulky or too dry for boys and girls.
--Macaulay. -
To change into another form; to transform.
Happy is your grace, That can translatethe stubbornness of fortune Into so quiet and so sweet a style.
--Shak. (Med.) To cause to remove from one part of the body to another; as, to translate a disease.
To cause to lose senses or recollection; to entrance. [Obs.]
--J. Fletcher.
vb. (en-past of: translate)
Usage examples of "translated".
The rationale, translated from the bureaucratese, was that space was so limited in these courses that the University wanted to guarantee that the students who signed up for them would be the ones who would get the most out of them.
The voder at his throat translated his words from good Middle Hrruban into inarticulate growls and coughs.
She sang every song and instrumental musical composition she knew, recited poems from the Middle Ages of Earth forward, translated works of literature from one language into another, cast them in verse, set them to music, meditated, and shouted inside her own skull.
And so he had set to work with unusual ardor and almost overnight had become a commercial traveler instead of a little clerk, with of course much greater chances of earning money, and his success was immediately translated into good round coin which he could lay on the table for his amazed and happy family.
This is translated in the text as "out of the Great Sea to Middle-earth I am come.
In other contexts it could also have been translated "to me" or (where in English the indirect object is identified by word order alone) simply "me": The verb "to give"
Yet Tolkien sometimes translated a Quenya locative form using the English preposition "upon".
Ken said savagely and then swore because he had inadvertently translated the forcefulness of speech into action and rubbed the rough toweling over a particularly raw place on the inside of his leg.
And they were scrupulous in keeping to the rules laid down by the momentous Decision at Doona, where a six-year-Old boy translated the relevant clauses.
She was also an extremely intelligent young woman: not equal to Beach as a theoretician--for her talent was in personal relationships which translated into human terms the geopolitical equations--but she was both able to follow and interpret his theories up to the point where he made the final ascent of intuitive genius.
With a shipwide and translated broadcast, everyone could share Zebara's news.
Then the targeting lasers picked up the vibrations, translated as seismic activity.
The Bard has been translated into every conceivable language, alien and humanoid, and somehow the essence of his plays has been understood by the most exotic, the most barbaric, the most sophisticated.
Both sense and response, automatically translated into algorithms by a subprogram.
IT rewound the comment and translated it in Keff's ear as "This is a mighty stronghold.