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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Transgressive \Trans*gress"ive\, a. [Cf. L. transgressivus passing over into another class. F. transgressif.] Disposed or tending to transgress; faulty; culpable.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1640s, "inclined to transgress," from transgress + -ive. Related: Transgressively.


n. a form of verb in some languages


Transgressive may mean:

  • Transgressive art, a name given art forms that violate perceived boundaries
  • Transgressive fiction, a modern style in literature
  • Transgressive Records, a United Kingdom-based independent record label
  • Transgressive (morphology), a form of verb in some languages
  • Transgressive phenotype, a phenotype that is more extreme than the phenotypes displayed by either of the parents
  • Transgressive segregation
  • Cinema of Transgression, film movement using shock value and humor
Transgressive (linguistics)

Transgressive is a term of linguistic morphology denoting a special form of verb. It expresses a coincidentally proceeding or following action. It is considered to be a kind of infinitive, or participle. It is often used in Balto-Slavic languages.

Usage examples of "transgressive".

Such rules may on occasion restrain, through voluntary recognition, transgressive, limit-breaking acts.

Sid Vicious has lost whatever transgressive allure it may once have had.

And think of the line of transgressive female rockers extending from Patti Smith or the Slits to the current explosion of womanist rappers, riot grrls, and sexually assertive singer/songwriters.